
I WANT TO Become a Coach

Review the Coaching Suitability Inventory to see if you’re a fit for LAUNCH.

Complete the Coach Application Form.

Have 4 references complete the Coach Reference Form.

Coaching Suitability Inventory

Please prayerfully consider the LAUNCH coaching role and ask the Lord to clearly reveal if this is a role He wants you to take on at this time. The following exercise will help you process your thoughts as you pray through your decision. 



Coach Application

You will need approximately 25 minutes to complete the form. Please ensure that you have a secure internet connection and are able to complete this form in one sitting.

Coach ReferenceS

Please enter the names and email addresses of your 4 references in the form below. 

A Coach Reference Request email will be sent to your inbox. Please forward this email to your 4 references.



Your references should be at least one of the following:

Someone in whom you
have invested significantly

Someone who has invested
significantly in your life

Your pastor or church leader

Anyone of your choosing